Tuesday 14 October 2014

I forgot what I had to say

What is this obsession with people these days?
Everyone around you is so self obsessed. Screaming at the top of their voice, “I AM AWESOME”
Err, if you really were that awesome, you needn’t have to repeat it so often.
Then there is another bunch of people who are always self-deprecating. Yeah right, belittle yourself so it doesn’t hurt when others criticise you.

Oh wait, maybe I really should not be writing this. I often indulge in this obscene obsession, either calling myself “awesome” or cringing. (Hey, just so you know, when you guys think I am being self deprecating, honestly I am merely stating facts. I wouldn't put myself down if I thought any better of myself). But write, I shall.

(and just like that I lost my train of thought :/ What was it that I wanted to say?)